I picked up this NYX butter gloss at my local target. They are incredibly creamy and true to their name: buttery. They are such a refreshing new product. When I initially saw these swatched I thought they were super thick and creamy. However, after watching and reading a bunch of reviews on this, I finally caved and decided to pick it up....and I am so glad that I did! These are AMAZING. They are great for every day and you absolutely do not need a mirror to put this on. It has become my all time favorite lip gloss and I can't wait to try out the other colors. It is creamy, but doesn't slide off your lips. Staying power is nice and its not sticky at all. Can't really describe this except to say that you HAVE TO TRY THEM!!! 

NYX Creme Brulee 

(nude pink color- doesn't wash you out!) 


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